Intuitive painting enhances the ability to visual language and provides resources that are useful for both TES services and daily life situations. Emotionally touching or stressful situations in connection with TES services, but also in life, leave behind traces that are often not yet recognized. The power of inner images and voices, expressed in color and form, can expose them and sometimes reveal what we otherwise can not recognize. The atmosphere of respect, trust, freedom and ease, but above all the lack of pressure to perform in a group of like-minded people create the framework. After simple Tai Chi-based body exercises and some mindfulness training, we let our feelings and emotions flow. The meditative space creates some kind of an island on which contact and dialogue with oneself are possible.
Telefonseelsorge Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Bonn, Germany
Telefonseelsorge Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Bonn, Germany