Scientific Program / 6th July / Parallel Lectures 11:00 - 12:30

  • Language: English 
  • PA_5c

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The possible role of mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based interventions in reducing loneliness and enhancing social-relationship 

Prof. Cristiano Crescentini


Cristiano Crescentini

Cristiano Crescentini is a neuroscientist and psychotherapist with interests in cognitiveneuroscience, clinical psychology and mindfulness meditation; he is assistant professor at the Department of Languages and Literatures,Communication, Education and Society of the University of Udine, Italy.



The possible role of mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based interventions in reducing loneliness and enhancing social-relationship

Despite social isolation and loneliness represent serious public health concerns, relatively little is known about evidence-based behavioral interventions that can help in dealing with these critical individual and social aspects. Recent evidence, however, suggests that mindfulness-meditation and mindfulness-based interventions, with their present-moment awareness and openness/acceptance fundamental components, may promote better social-relationship functioning and reduce loneliness. 

After a general introduction to mindfulness-meditation and mindfulness-based interventions, the lecture will focus on their effects on individual and social pain and on loneliness.